MARK LEMON has voted Labour since 1979 but feels he will not be able to vote for the party any longer if it does not changes its stance on Brexit.
I am disgusted by Jeremy Corbyn’s attitude to a People’s Vote. Most Labour voters, MPs and party members want a chance to vote on any deal that may be reached with the EU on our withdrawal, including an option to remain in the European Union. That this be ‘kept on the table’ if a general election is not called following a rejection of Mrs May’s deal is also Labour policy, as adopted by party conference this year.
That Corbyn continues to fail to fully endorse this in his public statements is both disingenuous and foolhardy.
I have voted Labour my entire adult life since the general election of 1979. I have from time to time been a member of the party, a trades union official and an active supporter of a great many causes promoted by Labour. I am a voter in one of the most marginal Tory seats in the country represented by a very high-profile cabinet minister, Amber Rudd, whose majority at the last election
(as I am sure you know) was a mere 343 votes.
As it stands Labour does not represent my views or interests and unless and until there is an unequivocal commitment to a People’s Vote on how we leave the EU, with an option to remain, I will not be able to support any candidate it puts forward in either a general or local election in the future.
Mark Lemon
As a socialist for over 50 years I despair of where my party is now. I feel that instead of parroting Tory lines about the ‘will of the people’, Jeremy Corbyn could have spent the last two years helping Leave voters see that they are right to be angry with their position and lack of opportunities but that this is the result of the policies of the Tory government, not from being in Europe. He could have helped them to see the benefits of being part of Europe and how much worse off they will be if we leave.
Labour have now lost many Remainer socialists and will lose many more. Brexit is the most important issue facing this country and they have done little to
stop it.
Lilian Pegram
• What do you think? Send your letters for publication in The New European to letters@theneweuropean.co.uk
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