Government departments are scrambling to employ crisis experts as the chances of the UK crashing out of the European Union increase.
Currently the Ministry of Housing wants three ‘resilience advisers’ who would ‘provide support to the local resilience community to develop, test and exercise plans for the mitigation of any disruption following our exit from the EU’.
The jobs are advertised at £50,000 a year in London and £45,000 outside the capital and could include a civil service pension. The positions are initially for just nine months but the advert states ominously ‘the possibility of extension or permanency’.
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The advert continues: ‘The Resilience and Emergency Division (RED) supports the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) core objective of delivering local communities with excellent public services through enabling resilient localities: which can prepare for, respond to, and recover from civil emergencies of all types.
‘The division works closely with local responders (the police, the fire and rescue service, local authorities and others), the Civil Contingencies Secretariat in the Cabinet Office and other government departments.
‘We also work closely with other divisions in MHCLG on joint issues such as resilience of health and social care, sustainability of Local Authorities and impacts of EU Exit.
‘We have nine month secondment opportunities (with the possibility of extension) to support MHCLG’s preparations for EU Exit, both in the case of a no-deal or negotiated exit.
‘These roles are to provide support to the local resilience community to develop, test and exercise plans for the mitigation of any disruption following our exit from the EU.’
One Tory Remainer said: ‘Although it doesn’t fill me with confidence that the looming no-deal Brexit will deliver the sunny uplands the Brexit lot are trying to convince us about … at least Whitehall is being realistic.
‘And at least if the very worst does happen we should have a team that know what to do – the pressure is really on the recruitment team, let us hope they pick the right candidates.’
Fancy it? You’ve got until October 22 to get your application in.
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