A Boris Johnson supporter and Tory MP has been accused of not ‘believing facts’ when it comes to his Brexit plan.
Daniel Kawczynski, who earlier in the year was denounced by historians for misinterpreting the Marshall Plan, was speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live’s Emma Barnett when he was asked about Johnson’s plan for a no-deal Brexit.
Barnett turned her attention to Gatt 24, an obscure trade rule which the Boris Johnson camp are seizing upon, claiming it would help them with a no-deal Brexit.
But she was convinced that they had misunderstood the rule, which is a key part of his no-deal Brexit plans.
It follows the governor at the Bank of England insisting that the Brexiteers had misinterpreted the view.
She told the MP: “I’m not debating if it is no-deal or not. I’m debating if a key detail that Boris Johnson gave about the Gatt 24 rule is wrong.”
But Kawczynski avoided the question.
“If Mr Johnson puts forward these proposals they are going to be scrutinised with a fine tooth comb for the next 16 public debates between him and Mr Hunt.
“Luckily, we are going to have a public debate on that issue which didn’t happen last time when there was a coronation of the prime minister and there was no debate.
“That’s one of the reasons we got into this mess that we are in at the moment.”
Barnett cut off the MP to refer him back to the original question.
“Could you just answer the question, does it not worry you that Mr Johnson has misunderstood a key aspect of policy?”
But Kawczynski insisted the possible prime minister had not misunderstood.
He replied: “I don’t think that he has misunderstood it and we will have to asses whether or not the technical aspects of what he is proposing, he has done that in conjunction with his advisors, he believes that this is a proper and sensible way to negotiate with the European Union.
“We will have to wait and see.”
Barnett pointed out that even Liam Fox, the Brexiteer secretary for international trade, had rebuked the former foreign secretary on the claims.
But the MP was having none of it, as he reaffirmed his earlier claims about Johnson’s Brexit plans.
“His Brexit policy is going to be scrutinised by the media and people like you. I don’t believe he is incorrect.”
A sharp Barnett replied: “Because you don’t believe facts?”
Laughing it off, Kawczynski insisted he did not believe he was incorrect, and said he would be seeking more answers from the House of Commons to prove him right.