Pro-Brexit newspaper the Daily Express has been derided over its front page criticising the French government and Emmanuel Macron for its decision to close its borders to the UK, sparking huge queues at the port of Dover.
The newspaper front claimed that French president is ‘no friend’ of the UK after blaming him for causing a blockade days before Christmas.
But it has raised eyebrows with after it came just days after a front cover encouraged gunboats to guard British fishing waters in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
The newspaper on December 12 amplified news that four Royal Navy patrol ships could be used to “impound EU fishing boats that stray into the UK’s exclusive economic zone”.
“The f**king cognitive dissonance,” tweeted comedian James Felton.
The fucking cognitive dissonance pic.twitter.com/yt8OLEntK5
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) December 23, 2020
“It’s like they think they print this stuff, it goes out into the world, and then is instantly forgotten the next day,” replied one.
“The target demographic of this rag only understand 50% of the words in your tweet,” added another.
“The right-wing press is unbelievable. Spend 4 years wanging on about sovereignty, then when a country actually exercises its sovereign rights, start whining about it,” noted @sj_gibbo.
— Steve Perks (@PerksyS) December 23, 2020
“Imagine for a moment the Sun headlines if the new strain had emerged in France, and Macron was asking Johnson to compromise on screening in order to get French trade flowing again,” responded Dmitry Grozoubinski.