Buried in the detail of a new poll which right-wing newspapers seized on as support for a no-deal Brexit reveals that the public have swung in support of Remain and believe that anti-Brexit measures are the best options for democracy.
The ComRes poll, which was splashed on the front of the Sunday Telegraph over the weekend and commissioned by the Brexiteers, was used to show support for the UK crashing out of the European Union.
Under the headline ‘public swinging behind no-deal’ the poll found that 44% of the public believed the UK should leave without a deal if Brussels provides no further concessions, with 30% disagreeing.
It was seized upon by Brexiteers that claimed: ‘As we near 29 March and the public tunes into the farcical behaviour in SW1/Brussels, there’s been a striking rise in support for a no-deal Brexit if meaningful changes can’t be secured.’
Some have criticised the headline figure which fails to give the option to give voters the chance to express an opinion to Remain.
But buried in the detail of the polling is the fact that the public does want to stay, with those same respondents saying they would back Remain over Leave by 46% to 39% if a vote was held tomorrow.
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The polling also found that 52% of voters believe staying in the EU or holding a second referendum would be the best outcome for the UK economy compared to 36% that believe Leave is best.
In the same line of questioning 46% believed the anti-Brexit options are best for democracy compared to 42% who view leaving as the best outcome.