Reader SUZANNE MARTIN cannot understand why Caroline Flint is not trying to persuade her constituents to think differently.
Caroline Flint voted Remain in 2016. She should not abandon the convictions which led her to do so, just because a majority of her constituents voted Leave. Instead, she should talk to them, especially Labour voters, to persuade them that they
have been victims of persistent anti-EU lies.
If constituents say they don’t care, she should reply: “I do. I care about truth on the EU. But I care even more about your jobs, your future and that of your children. I care about your EU workers’ rights, which Brexit could do away with.
“Net EU immigration is now manageable, it’s down by two-thirds. Turkey is not joining the EU, we’ve got a veto, like every other EU nation. Most EU countries, like us, reject further integration. And it’s only over a few areas like trade that we’ve all agreed to pool our sovereignty. For everything else we are totally independent.”
Caroline Flint is a fighter, like the other 25 Labour MPs who agree with her: Why won’t they take on that fight instead of just giving up and contemplating the horrors of no-deal?
Suzanne Martin
Anecdotally, some pro-European Labour members are resigning because of Corbyn’s position. Myself, I voted for him, and remain in the party, but my big concern about his leadership now is simply this:
If, as expected, there is an election this autumn, and Corbyn becomes PM as a result, it is less likely that he would be able to implement those policies I and many others want him to implement if we are out of the EU. This is because the flight of companies from this country that we’ve been seeing since 2016 would certainly ramp up. By extension, the jobs they provide and the taxes they pay go too, and that will make the rebuilding programme Corbyn wishes to undertake less affordable.
Equally, the massive increase in public debt since 2010 (up from 69.6% of GDP in March 2010 to 85.4% of GDP in March 2018 according to the ONS) means the amount any future Labour government would be paying in interest also puts a brake on what it can achieve, since the money for both debt interest and repayment, as well as policy implementation, must come at the end of the day from taxation. If that pot is reduced by Brexit, then so is what we can do with it.
E Merryweather, Milton Keynes
I see that various outlets controlled by Rupert Murdoch appear to be peddling rumours that, Jeremy Corbyn, is too old to be prime minister.
Really, I would suggest people take a good look at recent pictures of Murdoch. Almost without a doubt, he looks too frail to turn the pages of a newspaper, let alone control the business of producing them.
Scurrilous, transparent and laughable!
Robert Boston, Kingshill
I’m trying to trace a bookmaker called Boris Betting. I hear they are offering odds of a million to one on a no-deal Brexit and I wish to place a £100 bet.
Whilst the last thing I or anyone could possibly want – offshore billionaires, mega corporations and extreme right-wingers excluded – I feel that the £100 million would soften the blow somewhat just in case it did happen.
You are most welcome to join me as I’ve been assured that these odds are fixed until a new UK prime minister is found.
Lewis Wilson, Codicote
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