The BBC has aired its latest instalment of ‘Brexitstorm’, but it wasn’t the political drama on-screen that got people talking, but the weird moments involve some notable politicians.
1. Matt Hancock playing chess
The health secretary’s chess skills did not impress viewers. In a clip, Matt Hancock is seen playing chess with his special adviser Jamie Njoku-Goodwin.
Despite making his move with a flourish, he was left shocked when his opponent immediately responded by taking one of his pawns.
2. Boris Johnson’s love child
When out canvassing ahead of the General Election, the Prime Minister is approached by a member of the public who insists on showing him her son.
She tells Boris: “My son looks remarkably like you, I’d like you to see him. Looks like he could be your love child.”
Johnson doesn’t respond to the comment, instead telling the gathered crowd: “Nice to see you. I hope you will stick with us, everybody.”
3. Jacob Rees-Mogg’s water bottle
Jacob Rees-Mogg was left floundering, unable to open a bottle of water, before his colleague Stephen Baker came to the rescue.
After opening the bottle for him, the MP for Wycombe tells him: “I do all the hard jobs in this partnership.”
4. Go Boris! Go Boris!
The shadow Brexit secretary is seen speaking to members of the public during the Labour Party conference in Brighton in September.
One person tells him: “I was hoping to meet Jeremy, and I think he would have loved to meet me.”
When Sir Keir Starmer replies: “Would he?” she tells him: “Go Boris! Go Boris!”
Additional reporting by PA.