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Brexiteers fail at European flag burning stunts due to EU regulations

Brexiteers stand on the European flag, ahead of the UK leaving the European Union at 11pm on Friday. Photograph: Kirsty O'Connor/PA. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteers have once again failed at their latest stunt to try to burn European flags after EU regulations got in the way of their attempts.

One example was captured for the Bolton News as a handful of Brexiteers tried to burn flags in Victoria Square whilst waiting for the bells to ring to mark the UK’s departure from the EU.

But because of the EU’s safety regulations requiring the flags to be made from fireproof materials the flag refused to burn.

In a video circulating online a female attendee tries to dissuade the group from looking foolish by telling them that there is “no need to burn flags”.

But they continued until it eventually became apparent that the flags would not burn, when they started to tear it instead.

Danny Crompton, who filmed one of the incidents, told the News: “I think they’d had a few to drink before coming and one guy was being goaded by another group of people to burn the flag.

“He was a bit reluctant at first but after a bit of pressure he started trying to set it on fire.

“For grown guys to act like that is a bit disgusting, they were singing God Save the Queen but stopped after one verse.

“One guy was getting a little irritated with them, he said he was ex-forces and the idiots didn’t know the words to the National Anthem.”

There were similar attempts across the UK, including in London, where protesters were congregating in Parliament Square. The attempts were filmed by CNN.

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