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Get your Dominic Cummings mask for Halloween

Dominic Cummings. Photograph: Chris Barker/The New European. - Credit: Archant

This week’s front cover illustration of Dominic Cummings is now available as a printable mask – just in time for Halloween.

The chief strategist behind Boris Johnson has caused a stir in politics in recent weeks.

He has been blamed for negative briefings from Number 10, for causing a constitutional crisis, and taking Britain close to a no-deal Brexit.

Now is your chance to get your revenge on the Vote Leave mastermind – by dressing up as Cummings for Halloween.

Get your mask from The New European by downloading and printing this image.

You can also find masks for Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Theresa May and Jacob Rees-Mogg here on our website.

Don’t forget to tweet us your pictures!

Demonic Cummings – Our Dominic Cummings mask for Halloween – Credit: Archant

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