Hundreds of dogs and their two-legged companions, together with MPs and celebrities, will hold the world’s biggest ‘dog’s dinner’ to demand that the government pull the country back from the brink of a no-deal Brexit disaster.
On Sunday 10th March the hungry hounds will gather around huge cans of ‘Pedigree Chump’s Brexit Dog’s Dinner’ and sit at dog-sized dining tables, with parliament as a backdrop, to bark out for MPs to vote in the national interest.
The campaigners will be calling for Theresa May to rule out a no-deal Brexit and to back a People’s Vote.
‘The dogs gathering outside parliament represent millions of people in the UK who want to send Brexit to the doghouse,’ says Wooferendum founder Daniel Elkan. ‘The UK is being bounced towards a no-deal cliff edge by a small group of hardline Brexiters, but the dogs won’t just roll over and let it happen.’
‘We know Brexit will be disastrous for the people of Britain but it could also be equally bad for our pets,’ says Dominic Dyer, a leading animal welfare campaigner and one of the organisers of the ‘Brexit Is A Dog’s Dinner’ event.
MORE: Dogs and owners attend ‘Wooferendum March’ in unique protest against Brexit
MORE: Wooferendum Dog March highlights Brexit danger to pets
‘Brexit is likely to lead to a shortage of skilled vets and vet nurses, rising costs for animal health and pet food products and even the end of the EU pet passport scheme. If Brexit causes another recession, many people will be forced to give up their pets, leaving charities and shelters struggling to cope with the influx of animals in need of new homes.’
‘Our four-legged friends are barking out because Brexit is a recipe for disaster,’ Elkan says. ‘This is a dog’s dinner that no one should have to swallow.’
The protest will begin at the Victoria Tower Gardens next to parliament at 1pm. A series of speeches will take place from 1.30pm.
You can confirm your attendance for the event, and find out more information, through this Facebook event listing.
• Due to poor weather conditions the date for this event has now changed.