The government might want to rethink its marketing campaign strategy after adverts telling listeners to ‘get ready for Brexit’ have been among those featured on our staunchly anti-Brexit podcast.
The adverts – which appeared on the podcast for two weeks in a row – are part of a £100 million advertising spend from the government ahead of October 31st, despite the fact the UK may not exit the EU on that date.
Podcast host Richard Porritt said: “We do have some guidelines regarding the advertising we are willing to take on the podcast – no tobacco and no arms dealers. I guess the current government just about makes it through our selection process.
“Thanks Mr Gove – we plan to spend the money on continuing to spread the Remain message far and wide.”
Podcast co-host Steve Anglesey said: “It’s almost like the government don’t know what they’re doing.”
Sadly we have not been hand-picked by Dominic Cummings.
The adverts are fed at random into the show via podcast hosting service Audioboom, which automatically places them onto popular podcasts – giving our Remainer listeners the startling possibility of encountering hard Brexiteer propaganda.
MORE: People are making their own versions of the government’s ‘Get Ready’ campaign posters
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