STEVE ANGLESEY takes a look at the worst Brexiteers making this week’s headlines.
They’re steaming in Scotland after Nigel Farage’s EFDD group in the EU parliament used the celebrated train’s image on the cover of a leaflet titled “What Scotland Really Thinks About the EU”.
The Jacobite is the model for the Hogwarts Express – created by arch-Remainer JK Rowling – and owners West Coast Railways said: “We certainly never gave permission for the Jacobite to be used in support of this campaign. The Jacobite certainly has no intention of steaming out of Europe.”
Meanwhile what Scotland really thinks about the EU was shown in the recent European elections, when the Brexit Party won just 14.8% of the vote and pro-Remain parties (not including Labour) took 61.8%.
As we reached the third anniversary of the referendum in which he broke electoral law by channelling £625,000 of funds from Vote Leave to their ad agency, the young campaigner was in a sombre mood.
He tweeted: “I think by the end of the year we’ll have a Jeremy Corbyn-led coalition government, electoral reform, no Brexit, a second Scottish referendum and the end of the Conservative Party as we know it. All because of our MPs and their failure to deliver Brexit, three years on.”
Perhaps later on he’ll tell us what the downside is…
There’s no-one better qualified to comment on the economics of a no-deal Brexit than a 78-year-old ex-cricketer, and Boyks told Good Morning Britain that Britain would thrive as “We fought two world wars, and we came out on top, why? Because of the spirit and the determination of the British people. That’s what the British people do. That water around our island has saved us from all kinds of things.”
So are we going to survive by drinking the water? And didn’t we ‘come out on top’ partly because of the spirit and the determination of the American and Russian armies?
Told his fan site Morrissey Central that “Britain is a dangerously hateful place now, and I think we need someone to put a stop to the lunacy and to speak for everyone.” So far so good, but it turns out that the special someone Moz has in mind is Islam-baiting For Britain leader Anne Marie Waters!!
The former Smiths singer also said of Nigel Farage: “It’s obvious that he would make a good prime minister… if any of us can actually remember what a good prime minister is.” Yep, it’s almost as difficult as remembering what a good Morrissey record is!
MORE: BREX FACTOR – Why Boris Johnson’s newest unicorn is so lame
– Hear more from Steve Anglesey on The New European podcast – available every Friday morning on this website, on iTunes and on Spotify.