Boris Johnson received a pelting on Twitter ahead of his second ‘People’s PMQs’ propaganda exercise.
It's certainly going well! #peoplespmqs pic.twitter.com/HPDcPdqZLZ
— Stephen Moran (@MoranStephen) September 11, 2019
Having prorogued parliament the day before, Johnson skipped the traditional prime minister’s questions in the House of Commons and opted for a second straight-to-camera exercise with hand-picked questions.
But his team had to wade through an awful lot of replies which suggest that the ‘People’s PMQs’ isn’t going down all that well.
Techcrunch editor Mike Butcher spoke for all journalists by asking: “What the fuck is this, North Korea?”
A parody Boris Johnson account was confused. “Are you the real Prime Minister or am I?” he asked.
What the fuck is this, North Korea? #DearLeader!? #LiarJohnson #StopTheCoup
— Mike Butcher #RegisterToVote (@mikebutcher) September 11, 2019
There were plenty of references to the fact that he had unlawfully advised the Queen on prorogation. “Does he like porridge?” asked Twitter user ‘Pickled Puffin’.
Yet strangely enough he didn’t answer any questions related to his recent lawbreaking. Perhaps he hadn’t heard yet.
However, it wasn’t all bad. Anonymous Twitter account “Apple UK_123”, registered on Twitter in March 2019 with a Brexit Party logo as their profile pic, said: “Can’t wait Boris! You are doing a great job in light of the traitorous Remain MPs! Keep persevering!”
And thankfully, someone had the presence of mind to ask the most important question of all: “What has the UK invested so far in the development of genetically engineered catgirls?”
Unlawfully suspend parliament in order to evade PMQs, grillings by select committees, and extending your record-smashing run of six defeats in a row ...
— Another Angry Voice (@Angry_Voice) September 11, 2019
Then ask Ordinary Joes to ask you softball questions on Facebook.
Absolutely shameless cowardice.
Are you the real Prime Minister or am I?
— Parody Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson_MP) September 11, 2019
I just don't know any more.
Have you decided on a ditch? Maybe you could hold an advisory referendum.
— David Hodgkin (@HodgkinDavid) September 11, 2019
Bill from Maghull. Used to be an MP until the Prime Minister suspended Parliament. My question is, 'Why did you mislead the Queen about why you were suspending Parliament?'
— Bill Esterson (@Bill_Esterson) September 11, 2019
Why did you lie to the Queen?
— The Secret Barrister (@BarristerSecret) September 11, 2019
Does he like porridge?
— (@pickledpuffin) September 11, 2019
What has the UK invested so far in the development of genetically engineered catgirls? pic.twitter.com/8ysIukCg2B
— Chika Croissant (@ChikaCroissant) September 11, 2019