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Boris Johnson says he wants to save the ‘magic’ of the United Kingdom

Prime Minister Boris Johnson takes part in archery during a visit to the Premier Education Summer Camp at Sacred Heart of Mary Girl's School, Upminster in Essex. Photograph: Lucy Young/Evening Standard/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Boris Johnson has said he wants to see the ‘magic’ of the United Kingdom, in his latest comments on trying to keep Scotland from going independent.

He said: ‘The union of the United Kingdom, for me it’s the greatest political partnership the world has ever seen.

‘I think what people in this country often don’t appreciate is the way in which the UK is seen abroad.

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‘They don’t see us as England or Wales or Scotland or Northern Ireland, what they see is great British institutions.

‘They see amazing British armed services, amazing British diplomacy, overseas aid, British science and technology, British arts, that’s the thing that is admired and loved around the world.

‘It would be such a shame to lose the power, the magic, of that union. We are much, much stronger and better together than broken up.’

It comes after foreign secretary Dominic Raab claimed that ‘opimistic fizz’ from Johnson would keep the union together.

The prime minister is said to be holidaying in Scotland along with son Wilfred and fiancee Carrie Symonds.

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