A man bidding to haul Boris Johnson before the courts over his Brexit claims has released a video outlining his challenge to the former foreign secretary.
Photo: Sandra Vijandi – Credit: Archant
Private prosecutor Marcus J Ball believes Johnson committed misconduct in public office over claims the United Kingdom sends £350 million a week to the European Union.
The Leave campaign’s infamous red bus repeated the claim saying the money should instead be spent on the National Health Service.
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In the video Mr Ball addresses Johnson directly saying: ‘Over the past two years it has been my legal team and I’s job to build a private, criminal prosecution case against you.
‘It is our belief Boris that during the EU referendum you repeatedly, knowingly and deceitfully made incorrect claims to the British public concerning how their money is spent.
‘We have evidence that you claimed we spend £350m a week or £20 billion a year on EU membership when we don’t. We also have evidence that you know that we don’t.’
He adds: ‘Our prosecution case is built upon misconduct in public office contrary to the common law. This is a criminal offence which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
‘But don’t worry not all hope is lost. You might be found to be completely innocent. I may be wrong. My legal team my be wrong … The ONS may be wrong. And the Treasury – who actually pay the EU membership fee – They may be wrong too … you may not have lied. That may be what the courts decide. But I don’t think they will …’
Mr Ball is planning to present the courts with his initial case in the coming weeks. The 28-year-old is working with leading barrister Lewis Power QC, of Church Court Chambers in London, as well as a team of solicitors. A 48,000-page document has been produced outlining the case.
Already more than 2,000 people have helped fund the case but Mr Ball is appealing for further help to continue the prosection.
The court action comes amid lurid headlines over Johnson’s private life.
A source close to Johnson highlighted an announcement by then health secretary Jeremy Hunt that the government would spend more on the NHS post-Brexit.
To find out more visit www.brexitjustice.com or to pledge money visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/brexitjusticeprosecution/
MORE: Boris Johnson faces court over £350m claim
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