An audience member has been spotted mouthing ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ during the Channel 4 Conservative leadership debate.
The moment was broadcast live to viewers of the debate as the camera followed Krishnan Guru-Murthy round the audience.
The broadcaster was holding the mic to an audience member – who was asking how the candidates would reunite the country after Brexit – but the young man sitting just behind him who had a simpler message.
Staring directly at the camera, he can be clearly seen mouthing “Bollocks to Brexit” while the question is asked.
As the camera moves round, he repeats it twice.
The debate was one of two scheduled for the Conservative leadership hopefuls, at which Boris Johnson was notable by his absence.
WATCH: ‘Where Boris?’ – Empty podium left for Boris Johnson in television debateThe five candidates who showed up – Michael Gove, Jeremy Hunt, Sajid Javid, Dominic Raab and Rory Stewart – slammed Johnson for the no-show.