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New Argos Christmas catalogue warns prices could rise due to Brexit uncertainty

The new Argos Catalogue appears in a television advert. Photograph: Argos. - Credit: Archant

Argos has warned prices in its new Christmas catalogue could quickly change due to the Brexit uncertainty.

The new Argos catalogue warns about Brexit’s impact on catalogue prices. Photograph: Retail Week/Twitter. – Credit: Archant

The retailer’s latest Bible of products this time comes with a warning printed on page one that it expects prices to rise if Brexit takes place.

It says: “At the time of printing we intend to maintain our prices at or below the printed price, however, given the uncertainty around the UK leaving the EU we reserve the right to change our prices.”

For the first time in ten years the catalogue has taken centre-stage in the retailer’s new advert.

But the retailer now advises customers to check the price online before heading to a store to purchase an item.

Retail Gazette says it is possibly the first time a retailer has categorically warned consumers Brexit could spark a rise in prices.

A photograph of the warning was tweeted by retail expert George MacDonald who said he had “never seen anything like this before”.

He added: “In past, prices often changed but only downwards.”

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