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Andrew Neil to get new primetime political programme ahead of Brexit deadline

Photo: Nick Ansell/PA - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Veteran political interviewer Andrew Neil is to front a new politics show on BBC Two after stepping down from hosting This Week earlier this year.

The Andrew Neil Show will run through the autumn as the Brexit date approaches rounding up the political events of the week.

Launching on on September 4, the 30-minute programme will air at 7pm every Wednesday and promises interviews with key political players.

This Week was taken off air in July after the 70-year-old decided to step down from late-night broadcasting.

A show he had hosted since it began in 2003, it was known for its informal look at politics and regular guests including former Conservative MP Michael Portillo and shadow home secretary Diane Abbott.

The political analyst and interviewer is a fixture of BBC’s political programming and grilled both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt during the leadership contest.

WATCH: Boris Johnson admits he doesn’t know key part of his plans for Brexit“The autumn of 2019 is destined to be one of the most intriguing and significant in British politics for at least a generation,” Neil said.

“I’m delighted to be fronting a weekly show in prime time on BBC Two that will be on top of the story, whatever direction it takes.”

Fran Unsworth, director of BBC News, said: “Andrew’s one of the best political journalists in the UK, and we’re thrilled he’ll be on our screens for a prime-time BBC Two series.

“Andrew’s special programme with the Conservative leadership candidates was hailed as a masterclass of political interviewing.

“As Britain moves towards the Brexit deadline, this show will be a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand what’s going on.”

Neil was embroiled in controversy after he made disparaging tweets about investigative journalist Carole Cadwalladr, who uncovered the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Neil called her “Karole Kodswallop” and a “mad cat lady”, comments which were deleted after the BBC received complaints of misogyny and lack of impartiality.

Neil will continue to present Politics Live on BBC Two every Thursday lunchtime.

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