A 16-year-old has just effectively taken down Boris Johnson’s Brexit strategy – leaving fellow guests in awe at his coherency.
Alex McGovern, a member of the Youth Parliament for Kent, offered a coherent critical analysis of Johnson’s plans for Brexit saying that “having a loud voice and peddling optimism” will not get us through the crisis.
He was appearing on Iain Dale’s LBC radio programme alongside Simon Heffer from the Telegraph, Brexiteer broadcaster Liz Kershaw, and activist Lauren Booth.
They reacted with open mouths as he succinctly explained the problem with Boris Johnson’s “plan”.
The 16-year-old told Dale: “The issue with Boris Johnson and why he is not taking these media interviews is because he knows what he’s saying is just fundamentally flawed.
“If you look at his Plan B as it were, if he can’t get a deal with the EU, GATT 24. I just can’t see it working. He knows it as well. I think he’s just trying to sound like he’s done his research.”
He continued: “Personality is not going to help us get through this crisis. Having a loud voice and ‘peddling optimism’ as Jeremy Hunt described it is not going to help.
“I think optimism is one thing, but it has got to be founded optimism, it can’t be optimism for the sake of it, and saying we might as well be happy. We need to be realistic and pragmatic. The EU has been so engrained in our society for so many years, and we need to realise we can’t just smile through it, it’ll be fine, and I don’t think Boris can do it.”
One listener tweeted: “@TheAlexMcGovern member of the Youth Parliament has been absolutely sterling on @IainDale radio show cross question. Came across as calm, thoughtful, informed and added real value to the discussions. “
Another said: “Brilliant hour. I was stunned by the maturity and intellect of young Alex. What a future that lad has in front of him!”
A third told Iain Dale: “You need to make Alex your side kick. He provides a surprisingly articulate view (for his age) which nicely tempers yours @lbc.”