Lord Adonis has welcomed Labour’s change of stance over Brexit believing it paves the way for a second referendum.
Adonis said he thinks the position laid out in Jeremy Corbyn’s keynote speech, where he supported Britain staying in a customs union with the European Union, was a step in the right direction.
Corbyn also used his address to set out his desire for a ‘new, strong relationship’ with the single market.
The Labour leader’s shift in position on a customs union could leave Theresa May facing the prospect of Corbyn’s MPs lining up with Tory rebels in an attempt to force a change in the Government’s approach.
Labour peer and Best for Britain supporter Lord Adonis said: ‘I’ve always believed that – in the end – Jeremy Corbyn would do the right thing and offer the British people a final say on Theresa May’s Brexit treaty.
‘This speech moves the Labour Party a further step in the direction of a referendum to stop Brexit.
‘The Labour Party has shown that it is no longer prepared to give Theresa May a free hand to destroy Britain’s strategic and economic relationships to appease her party’s Brexit hard-liners. But time is running out and this is not a time for pussy-footing around.
‘Labour needs to commit, urgently, to a final say on the Brexit deal. That is the only way that we can protect Britain from a disastrous Brexit.’