Harry Cole is a big-hearted chap. Not only did his appetite for swallowing whatever garbage Boris Johnson dishes up survive the fact that the PM married Cole’s ex-girlfriend Carrie, but he has been Johnson’s most loyal defender on Twitter and in the pages of the Sun where he is political editor. This has not gone unnoticed by another member of the court of Johnson shafted by Carrie.
Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s former aide, wearily noted: “The Sun can’t cover the sex scandals properly because a) its political editor used to go out with Carrie; and b) he operates as a spin doctor to dampen/suppress scandals rather than getting them into his paper. If they’re booted, his source of other stories goes…”
Cole recently aimed mild criticism at his hero when he said that on the Chris Pincher affair, Johnson “was aware of widespread reputation as a wrong un’ and appointed him anyway”. But what is to be said of a journalist who is aware of a prime minister’s widespread reputation as a wrong un’ and supports him anyway?
Boris Johnson’s remaining supporters
The Sun’s Harry Cole continues to fight the prime minister’s corner. Dominic Cummings, meanwhile, finds this tiring