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As Brexit turns three, we want to hear from you

Tomorrow will mark three years since the UK officially leave the European Union. Have you seen any benefits of Brexit?

A London taxi driver waves a Union Jack flag in Westminster after the Brexit vote. Photo: PA.

Christmas may be well and truly over but there’s no time for January blues in the Brexiteers’ camp. Why would there be, when there are festivities to plan? Tomorrow marks the third anniversary of Britain officially leaving the European Union after the transition period came to an end. Happy Birthday Brexit indeed…

But is there really anything to celebrate? Earlier this month, a poll conducted by Opinium surveyed 2,000 representative voters on behalf of best for Britain and found 33% of those who planned to vote Conservative next time have t already turned heir back on Brexit, believing it created more problems than it solved. 

When it comes to Brexit, if you think it’s more of a case of turkeys coming home to roost than a cause for festivities, then we’d love to hear from you. Has your business been bombarded with red tape? Have you had family members move out of the UK? Have your children been disappointed to see the disappearance of the Erasmus scheme? Let us know and we’ll feature responses online tomorrow as we regale the collective tales of our newfound sovereignty.  

Get in touch via email at, message us on Facebook or tweet us @theneweuropean. 

Only one more sleep until Brexit turns three. We may be past the terrible twos, but it feels more than likely that the worst is yet to come.

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