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Akshata Murthy has not quite got the Midas touch

It appears that she has not inherited the financial skills that her father, NR Narayana Murthy, has

Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy attend a reception to celebrate the British Asian Trust at the British Museum (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

The Midas touch of Rishi Sunak’s father-in-law, NR Narayana Murthy, one of the founders of the Indian conglomerate Infosys, has not proved to be hereditary.

After I disclosed last week the humongous losses at Digme Fitness, where his daughter, Akshata Murthy, sat as a director, the updated paperwork for her investment firm Catamaran Ventures shows another loss-making year for the outfit, which she set up with her husband in 2013.

It was £95,162 in the red last year, taking accumulated losses to £321,734. The company owes the heiress £4,267,121 in interest-free loans, according to a note in its newly filed accounts.

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See inside the A is for Atrocious... edition

Rupert Murdoch. Photo: Getty.

Rupert Murdoch springs into action

It's all-change at the Times as Tony Gallagher receives a promotion

Image: The New European

America’s midterm malaise

Commentators in the US are unsure what the future holds in politics. These bizarre midterms won't shine any light on the issue