In an extract from their new book Abundance, two leading US thinkers set out the fundamental problem with mainstream beliefs – on both the left and right
The shocking treatment of US deportees to El Salvador is just one attraction in Trump’s theme park of brutality. But why do so many Americans seem keen to buy a ticket?
Online influencers can no longer get away with being opinionless, detached, glamorous faces on a screen. Nowadays they need to offer more
Trump, foreign aid cuts and anti-vax hysteria have set the world back. We are less prepared than we were in 2020
A report from the front line as Turkey slides into autocracy
The Royal Academy celebrates 10 Brazilian artists hugely influenced by Europe
The Tory leader has been bemoaning the “teenage” tastes of Labour ministers like Rachel Reeves. But was his hero Margaret Thatcher really any better?
The Tory peer has rubbished the Netflix hit Adolescence for not being about something completely different
The White House correspondents’ dinner will lose its traditional comedian amid fears of upsetting the notoriously thin-skinned president
The Two Matts
The Two Matts
The Two Matts
The Two Matts
The Two Matts
The Two Matts
The chancellor crowed about tiny real GDP growth while ignoring a much bigger bombshell
The UK could boost growth with a bespoke EU deal like the one the Swiss have just renegotiated. What’s the hold-up?
A right wing think tank uses very selective evidence to claims Brexit damage has been overstated
UK exclusion from an EU arms fund makes a big deal on May 19 much more, not less, likely
Stranger ideas have been mooted – but an expanded deal that shuts out Trump is more likely
The man now banned from the City handed Nigel Farage’s party £10,000 last year
Her political ban might boost the National Rally – but equally, it could now crumble. So let’s celebrate
The city’s referendum gives Parisians the chance to have their say. Should Britain do the same?
If Germany’s problems don’t get resolved, the extremists could be leading the charge in the next general election
Trump is breaking up the old post-war alliance designed to protect Europe from Moscow. If the US withdraws support, can the continent go it alone?
Whether or not they were involved in the Heathrow fire, the Russians revel in the mayhem their hybrid actions cause
The foundations of the Kremlin strongman’s ascent to power were forged in the ruins of Grozny a quarter of a century ago
The president comes out with a ludicrous stream of nonsense. But some of what he says has its origins in some unexpected places
The UK needs to be part of the European project as a fully active member. Only then can Europe truly stand united against both Trump and Putin
If the UK was part of a Europe-wide army there would be sufficient forces to protect Ukraine without the need for US assistance
Thanks to Putin’s aggression and Trump’s greed, the UK has regained its international status
Communities whose lives have been shaped and scarred by mining are now shaken by the prospects of a green transition
Under communism, Polish artists were given freedom to produce posters advertising Hollywood films in a way their makers never dreamed of